Month: February 2013


I like division a lot. I like how its like multiplication. But its all fun. I like long division. Its really fun. I love to do long division songs. But, i have learned a lot this year.I know that if you divide you will always get a lower number. But, I think division is harder than multiplication. Its repeated subtraction. Your trying to get your quotient. I have learned a lot. And i have learned that long division has more steps. And you always have to divide to get you quotient.


I have learned a lot. I really like short multiplication because,its easier and faster. Long multiplication takes me longer so, I don’t really like it but, I still do it. Its all fun though . I know that multiplication is always going to give you a bigger number. Its repeated addition. Your trying to get your product. And you have to times two  digits to get your product.

A dog

I have a dog

We love to jog

It loves to bark

It love the dark

It loves it’s name

Its name is James

He like to sleep

He loves to leap

It loves the fog

This is my dog

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