Social Studies

Gearld Rudolph Ford

His real date of is July 14,1913.

His real school was South High School.

College was University of Michigan.

Son,husband,and brother

Gerald Ford

38th United President

Gerald became president in 1974.

He lived to be 93 years old.

He died on the date of December 26,2006.


John Smith was the leader of the new colony.

Also,the water in the river was not safe to drink.

Many people believed that there was gold in North America.

Established the first permanent English colony.

Smith traded with the Powhatan Indians for corn.

There were many mosquitoes that carried diseases.

On May 14,1607,The Virgina Company sent 120 English colonists.

When the winter came,there was very little food and protection.

Named Jamestown after the name English King,James I.


If I had to pick Jamestown or Plymouth,I would pick Jamestown because,they established the first permanent English colony.They got things to help settlers survive.I like how they helped because,they’re being helpful so they don’t lose anyone.This is some of the reasons I picked Jamestown.


Henry Hudson

June 1611

Explorer Gazette


Henry Hudson was looking for a Northwest Passage to the Indies.Hudson and his son were on a large boat with his crew. Hudson,his son,and seven other men got put on a small boat by the other crew and the small boat had no oars and Hudson,his son,and the seven men were left on theĀ  bay.No one knows where they are.What people have discoveredĀ  was maybe there was to much weight on the small boat with Hudson,his son,and seven people it could have sunk and everyone died because,they couldn’t get out of the bay.


50 State Rhyme – 34.5 Seconds!


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